Duff McDonald

Your Superior Self

I spoke with Trey Downes of Your Superior Self. Just a couple of dudes, trying to figure this stuff out.

Duff McDonald
Your Superior Self
Duff McDonald

Rehab Confidential

Joe Schrank and Amy Dresner had me on their fabulous podcast to talk about sobriety and uncertainty and why they’re birds of a feather called presence.


Duff McDonald
Rehab Confidential
Duff McDonald

The Frankie Boyer Show

I was interviewed by Frankie Boyer of Biz Talk Radio about TICKLED. Check it out, link is right here, below!


Duff McDonald
The Frankie Boyer Show
Duff McDonald

Conversations with Joan

Here’s another interview about TICKLED on iHeartRadio’s Conversations with Joan.


Duff McDonald
Conversations with Joan